
Video on PNG help by Cairns teacher Harry Graepel
Over the years the Peter O’Connor Foundation has funded shipments of educational materials to schools in need in Papua New Guinea collected by Harry Graepel, Science and Mathematics teacher at St Mary’s Catholic College, Cairns. These materials include desks and chairs, filing cabinets, metal storage cabinets, books, stationary, teaching aides, some musical instruments, sports uniforms, and shelving. Harry has recently put on to Youtube a 4.5 minute film entitled “Lema – PNG children” which highlights some of his accomplishments over the past decade. He has given credit to the Foundation in the video which can be viewed below.
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Astonishing amount of material headed for PNG schools
Harry Graepel reports that he has loaded a container which is now on its way to Port Moresby (December 2017). The chair of the Peter O’Connor Foundation, John Bottoms, said the container is loaded with an astonishing amount of educational material which will help the schools that the foundation supports in PNG, including publishing aids, science equipment and sports equipment.
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331 students graduate at O’Connor School
331 children have just completed the 2016 Academic Year with the Peter O’Connor Community school. School celebrated its seventh year. Miss Renagi Tomerisa and her team of teachers and trainers received great applause from the relatives of the children. About 350 family and friends were present with the rear of the building and doorways overflowing. The school has closed for 2016. And thanks to the support of the Peter O’Connor Foundation the doors of the school will reopen end of January 2017 for a new Academic Year.
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Educational materials arrive in PNG
Amos Ralph Misirait, Anglican Diocesan Secretary, Rio Fiocco, some of the O’Connor School teachers, and 2 of the Church Pastors, and some of the O’Connor School students holding up some of the recently donated items from the Cairns Container. Books, Recorders, Laptops & Charts from the donated goods. Rio Fiocco talking about the late Peter O’Connor and the work of the O’Connor Foundation in PNG. Some of the items from the Cairns Container being loaded into Amos’ car to be taken to the Anglican School.
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PNG media recognises our work
On 3 October 2016 the work of the Peter O’Connor Foundation in providing materials to PNG schools was described in an article in the Port Moresby Post Courier. A PDF can be downloaded here. The text of the article is as follows: BY NELSON KAIRI THE Peter O’Connor Foundation has donated learning materials and 45 laptop to help educate underprivileged children in the city. Speaking at the official ceremony representatives from the O’Connor Community School at Gerehu Stage 5 and Christ the King at ATS; foundation Chairman, Rio Fioco said that the donated materials will help to educate children in settlements in the city. He added that the O’Connor foundation also takes care of the teachers’ salaries in various schools around Port Moresby settlements as part of the foundations contributions to supporting and educating children who are unable to attend normal schools because of various reasons. The foundation donated 494…
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Container with computers, books and desks bound for PNG
A container full of educational material has left St Mary’s Catholic College Cairns bound for the Peter O’Connor School at Gerehu, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. The material is being donated by St Mary’s and also the Holy Cross Primary School in Trinity Park.

2016 year begins at O’Connor School
Pastor Mike Field reports 380 students were registered (11 February 2016) for the 2016 year at the Peter O’Connor School Gerehu.

O’Connor bequest benefits NZ art gallery
In January 2010, staff of the E H McCormick Research Library at the Auckland Art Gallery were invited to an Auckland storage facility where a set of bolt cutters was used to break the lock revealing for the first time an archive of one of New Zealand’s more enigmatic painters, John Weeks (1886–1965). Inside, were 16 large wooden boxes filled to the brim with art donated by the Estate of Peter O’Connor.